Did You Know? S-P

We received this email from Bill Sweetser.  For more information, contact Bill to be put on his email list.

Here’s Bill’s email ( minus attachments):

Hello Friends of Spa Creek,

A photo is attached of the Public Notice sign at 800 Burnside Street. I was just told of it today and don’t know when it was posted. It reads:

The Annapolis Planning and Zoning Department has received a request for Final Site Design Plan Review with Adequate Public Facilities and Preliminary Subdivision to Redevelop the Sarles Boatyard & Petrini Shipyard, known as the South Annapolis Yacht Centre, Boucher Ave., State St.  File# SDP2015-063.

The public is invited to comment thru August 15, 2016.

For more information contact the Annapolis Planning & Zoning Department at 145 Gorman Street, 3rd Floor, Annapolis, Maryland  21401; or call 410-263-7961.

ETS@Annapolis.gov :  Project Planner: Thomas Smith

This is an important time in the approval and permitting cycle for this project and I encourage you to make your views known to P&Z by August 15. They want to hear the opinions and comments of Annapolis citizens and residents.

I’m attaching for your quick reference the following additional three files posted by the City on the eTrakIt website under the File# SDP2015-063:

  1. SAYC Letter of July 5, 2016 is made up of several letters and constitutes the developers’ response to P&Z’s Tom Smith’s February 3, 2016 Site Plan Review letter applicable to the first set of the developers’ plans dated September 3, 2015. Tom’s letter is included in this attachment.

One way to understand the changes made between the September 3, 2015 plans and the July 15, 2016 plans is to compare the 28 responses in the developers’ July 5, 2016 letter with the 28 items in Tom Smith’s February 3, 2016 letter. Tom summarized Public Comments on the earlier plans on page 5 of his letter as:

“The greatest number of public comment include:

  • Increase in traffic and associated negative impacts upon the neighborhood,
  • Restaurant noise and associated negative impacts upon the quiet, residential neighborhood and those residential neighborhoods across Spa Creek,
  • Neighborhood character and negative impacts of increased commercial uses, streetscape changes, increased height and scale, views both to and from the water,
  • Environmental and negative impacts to the Critical Area and creek with increased impervious surface/loss of green space.”

The developers’ responses stated on page 5 in their attached letter are:

–      “Access to maritime uses has been removed from State Street, mitigating increased traffic flow.

–      Number of residential uses remains unchanged from existing, mitigating increased traffic flow.

–      Number of  boat slips  is  reduced from  existing  124 slips to  a proposed  74 slips, mitigating increased traffic flow.

–      Proposed maritime office uses (moderate traffic) have been reduced and replaced with proposed maritime fabrication uses (low traffic), mitigatingincreased traffic flow.

–      Revised plan does not include a proposed restaurant.

–      New structures which abut the existing residential community are designed with architectural scale, materials and character reflecting theexisting adjacent community.

–      Proposed new dwellings meet the height and setback requirements of R2/NC zoning which, in turn, supports the scale and character of theexisting Eastport community.

–      Environmental and water-quality impact on Spa Creek are overwhelmingly positive and exemplary for new development on the Chesapeake Bay.

–      There is a decrease in impervious area over existing conditions within the 100 foot buffer. A slight increase in the overall impervious coverage forthe entire site.

–      Landscaped  areas  are  increased,  organized  and enhanced  to  improve  overall  green-space experience in the Eastport community.”

 Please let P&Z know, via email by August 15, whether you agree with these responses from the developers.

Another way to understand the changes made between the September 3, 2015 plans and the July 15, 2016 plans is to compare the actual drawings of September 3, 2015 with the new drawings dated July 15. Both sets are available on the eTrakIt website and in the offices of P&Z.

  1. Public Comments, and 3. Additional Public Comments, are files containing the Public Comment letters submitted in December, 2015 in response to P&Z’s invitation. Those letters pertain to the September 3,  2015 plans, not necessarily the July 15, 2016 plans. You can see what some residents said about the first set of plans.

As I emailed you last week, to access the plans online using the Annapolis eTrakIt website follow this link http://etrakit.annapolis.gov/Search/project.aspx . Under Project Search (make sure it says “Project” search, not “Permit” search) type boucher in the Search box and click on Search. Then scroll down and click on SUB2016-007. Then, at the bottom of that page click on Parent Project(s):  SDP2015-063.


Bill Sweetser, President, Save Spa Creek’s Heritage, Inc. (703) 626-3847

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