More to Consider than Water – Trees (S-P)

Received from Bill Sweetser and copied here:  Please contact Bill to be included on his email so that you can also see ALL attachments.

Friends of Spa Creek,

Many of you have been discussing the extent of planned tree removal for the project and its impact on the way the site will look.

The attached two tree photos show how the trees on the project look today from across Spa Creek.

Tree photo 1

Tree photo 2

Now please look at the Existing Tree Table on the attached Sheet L2 of 6. The column labeled DBH shows the current diameter at breast height of each tree. The Status column shows what will happen to each of the 63 trees listed if the project were to be approved as submitted. They will be removed. The circles on the drawing show the canopy coverage of each tree.

This plan demonstrates that the property will be mass graded and all trees removed, irrespective of their size and condition, all of which is necessary only because of the maximum density and size of dwellings and other facilities proposed by the developers. This plan appears to be contrary to Code provisions applicable to any redevelopment in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area.


Bill Sweetser, President,  Save Spa Creek’s Heritage, Inc., (703) 626-3847

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