Our letter – P&Z on SE2016-004

Here is the letter we submitted yesterday afternoon to P&Z, in support of Mary Anne Taurault’s position on SE2016-004.

Re:  SE2016-004

Dear Mr. Scott,

My wife, Michele and I support the conclusions of Mary Anne and Guy Taurault, already submitted to you, concerning the safety hazards that would result if the AYC 321 Burnside Street parking lot is permitted an exit onto Burnside Street. 
Surely. we who live here have the right to access our own street and our homes and our parking spaces on what is a narrow street allowing the passage of only one car at a time going in or out – essentially, a one-way street.  We have the right to have emergency vehicles have unimpeded access all the way to the water end of the block, free of AYC-generated traffic jams.   
To be perfectly clear, we are against the Annapolis Yacht Club having access from their proposed parking lot at 321 Burnside onto the 300 block of Burnside Street.
Harold and Michele Sherman


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