If you did…

For all of you who took the anonymous Survey we posted 10/5, thank you for participating.  If you haven’t yet taken this opportunity to spend, literally, 5-10 minutes to check off 10 questions, what are you waiting for?  The hyperlink is at the end of this short post.  Please let us know what you think.

We continue to see previously announced development projects ramp up, and brand new projects announced.  This is a cycle with no end in sight and not necessarily a negative as long as the community is involved.  But in many cases, citizen participation is relegated to the occasional town meeting.  Have you ever been to one?  They appear to be participatory meetings. Informed, interested community members do attend and we are given the opportunity to ask questions and to give opinions that are not recorded.  Remember that.  The sponsors of the meetings, alderpersons, give answers to the questions.  The meetings concludes.  There are no minutes of these meetings.  There is nothing put down in black and white to build on, so they do not produce cumulative results.  In my view they are not consequential.  They ARE necessary, just not sufficient.

We’re all busy.  No one feels they really have time for one more commitment.  But ask yourself, is the need to determine the future of the community, where we raise our children and live our lives, a great enough incentive and motivation to do something?

Is it?


Just click on the above link to go to the Survey (or Ctrl+Click).  Thank you!

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