Alderman Arnett on SAYC and P&Z

There will be a City Council Meeting tonight, 9 January at 7 PM in Council Chambers.  (The Agenda can be found in SHARE:  Community Announcements.)  In Alderman Arnett’s announcement of the meeting, he also took the opportunity to bring us all up to date on his view of what is going on with P&Z and SAYC.  Here’s Ross:

 A funny (not) thing happened on the way to the Planning Commission meeting to consider the SAYC redevelopment plans – the rules changed! Actually, the rules didn’t change the long existing practice changed.

Many of you have attended meetings that I’ve held at the Eastport Fire Station to discuss the South Annapolis Yacht Center. At those meetings the developer, Bret Anderson and his team has presented their site design plans, including plans for the two marinas on the property that combines the old Sarles and Petrini Marinas. At those meetings I have assured all of you that you will get another bite of the apple before the Planning Commission and before the Port Wardens. It appears that I was only partially correct. You can still go to the hearing to be held by the Port Wardens at some future point to opine on the reconfiguration of the marina. And there will be one more chance to be heard by the Planning Commission, but the scope of your input will be limited, as described next.

Contrary to past practice, but according to the City Code, the Planning Commission only has jurisdiction over site design matters in the case of Planned Development projects. They do have jurisdiction over the final plat for major site design cases and they will have that with SAYC. However, it is the Director of Planning and Zoning who has final say on all site design matters other than those for Planned Developments.

What does this mean to those of you who have questions and concerns about the site design issues regarding SAYC? I believe the comment period is closed, but I think that Planning and Zoning (P&Z) will still be receptive to your input if you have issues with the proposed project. But they must be given soon as I believe a final decision is about to be made.

There will be one more meeting before the Planning Commission after the site design is approved by the P&Z Director, and that will be to review and approve the final plat. That meeting will be open to the public for comment. The final plat does have some impact on the site design, but only to the extent that the placement of the buildings, streets, parking lots, and tree placement affect the site design plan.

If you still have problems with the final approved site design plan, your next step will be to file an appeal with the City Board of Appeals within 30 days after the final decision is made. There is a filing fee. To appeal one must have standing, i.e., live within 200 feet of the SAYC project, or have provided testimony or comment to P&Z, or can show some financial interest affected by the final decision. Those still unsatisfied after the Appeals Board, must go to the Circuit Court.

I understand that the planned redevelopment at the Eastport Shopping Center is scheduled for a March hearing before the Planning Commission. That project is a Planned Development, so the Planning Commission will have purview over site design and plat issues.

I understand that this is a complicated message. You have my contact information at the end of this message. Please feel free to call or email me if you have further questions.

As always, you can call me [443 745-2901] or send an email to [] if you have questions or concerns.



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