Another addition to the Discussion on Eastport Shopping Center

The following, concerning the proposed new development at the Eastport Shopping Center, was contributed by a concerned Eastport resident. The traffic study that was attached is far too long to be reproduced here, but it was prepared for Bay Engineering by Traffic Concepts in September 2016.

Can you post anything about this? Attached is the traffic study indicating that 403 spaces should be allowed rather than what the code mandates, 522 spaces.

 The ECA has asked that the City not waive the legal requirement for spaces for the planned 127 rental units, which amounts to 1.4 cars per unit.  Luckily the Mayor, who met with ECA members is concerned about parking as well and will not waive the parking requirements for the shopping center developers.
Likewise, the city is going to take another look at traffic as the last study was seriously flawed.  It improperly used a growth rate of .5% when the state calls for a 4% rate.   The traffic study didn’t take into account all the other projects in the pipeline or the fact that we have a bridge that opens once an hour 8 months of the year.

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