Working in the White Space

Over the past few months we have not had to react to even a single new poorly thought out project proposal.  (We do have continuing problems facing Crystal Spring Forest.)  So what have we done with that white space time?  And when things quiet down are we really aware that we’ve stopped lurching from project proposal crisis to crisis?

My contention is that during this period we have not used that white space to examine, assess and work to address key strategic matters that confront our community.

Our elected officials, from whom we naturally expect leadership, are dealing with their own futures.  They’re out there raising red flags for this or that concern or controversy for their own purposes.  They’re out there playing on our fears and telling us who’s responsible instead of creating a vision for our future.  Bottom line, it is another election year.

To more effectively use that white space, wouldn’t a candidate be more electable if he or she was willing to deal with strategic issues that require real innovation and commitment to take a stand.  How about…

  • Give us serious views and recommendations for economic development.
  • Give us serious plans to discuss the limits of growth, which will aid in quality of life.
  • Give us serious assessments of the true benefits of entities receiving tax exemption status. What are they actually providing for the community?  Even though this is a Federal designation, the impacts are local.
  • Give us serious alternatives for ways to fund local budgets other than property tax.
  • Give us real plans to deal with climate change and sea level rise.
  • Give us comprehensive plans that align developer and community interests – plans that are complete and have codes and real enforcement.

Not everyone will agree with these priorities, but unless we begin a serious and inclusive discussion we will always be behind the curve.

Our leaders need to be out there leading, not falling to the lowest common denominator.  We should be looking for people who can stand up and provide an inspirational message for the future.  Someone willing to be accountable, even willing to tell us what we may not want to hear.

We have seen those politicians who spent much of their administration dealing with transactional matters.  Are we, as a community, better off?  I have made my decision.

What about you?




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