Part of the Solution: Opening Doors

In our last post, we did not comment on community social or public safety issues.  These are so important, they need to be addressed alone.

One of the viewpoints put forth in the current election cycle that Annapolis is crime-ridden is over the top hyperbole.  It’s not just over the top on its own, but coupled with “we need more police” as the answer is not the way to go.  That simplistic approach just seems to offer a downward spiral that would consume limited resources and offer no actual solution.

I don’t believe that there is a single solution that will result in a perfect community.  We counter, we fight social strife and polarization through education and opportunity.  I suggest that the solution must acknowledge the importance of education and opportunity.  As the information age matures, it is obvious that the great divide that exists between the haves and have-nots is the ability to be part of that age and help to shape its future.

Education lasts a lifetime.  All education is beneficial – it opens doors and provides self-confidence.  It feeds on itself.  Through education we can make a difference and that difference can produce opportunities.  Building on that premise, I propose organizing and operating a Computer Coding Academy to be housed at, or associated with community organizations such as The Boys and Girls Clubs.  Computer coding is what makes it possible to create computer software, apps and websites.

The new core of education is comprised of reading, writing, arithmetic and computer coding.   The Academy would be a formal multi-year program available to all the Club’s attendees without regard to age or academic status.  The Academy will be structured to give a full range of experience from basic awareness of coding to coding certification.

The participants who so choose could use the skills they derive to support their continuing education, or to just have another skill to assist them in their life’s pursuits.  One of the underlying purposes of this initiative would be to encourage participants to stay in school and make the most of  their education.

I have ideas on funding, logistics, and having the kids participate in the organization, content development, and the concept of ‘train the trainer.’

This is just an overview of the considerable thinking I have done on this subject.  The relatively small cost would be more than offset by the significant benefits to the community.  This is not only a way to actually address social concerns but, in a larger context, it is an investment in our future.

One thought on “Part of the Solution: Opening Doors

  1. Pingback: Part of the Solution: Opening Doors – In light of the News More Relevant Than Ever | eastport defined

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