Traffic Impact Analyses – 2

FYI – Received from a visitor:  Part 1 has already been posted.  Part 3 will be posted next week.

22.21.010 – Traffic impact analyses.

A. Applicability. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, a traffic impact analysis shall be required for:

1. A project must have a traffic impact study if:
a. The proposed development and/or additions to existing structure is expected to generate two hundred fifty daily trips or more based upon trip generation rates published in the latest edition of the Trip Generation Manual, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); or
b. There are current traffic problems or issues in the project area, e.g. high traffic accident frequency; or
c. The proposed entrances and exits from the site are too close to an intersection.

2. Exceptions. There are no exceptions to the criteria above.

B. Procedures for the preparation of traffic impact analyses

1. The traffic impact analysis will be prepared based upon a uniform scope of work and methodology for traffic impact analyses entitled Traffic Impact Analysis for Proposed Development, City of Annapolis, Maryland, maintained by the Department of Planning and Zoning.
2. The traffic impact analysis will be performed under the oversight of the Department of Planning and Zoning as follows:
a. Upon a determination that a development will require a Traffic Impact Analysis, the applicant will be notified of such.
b. The Department of Planning and Zoning will prepare a scope of services for the traffic impact analysis and solicit a cost estimate(s) from a competent consulting firm(s) for the preparation of the analysis.
c. The applicant will remit to the Department of Planning and Zoning sufficient funds for the completion of the analysis plus an administrative fee not to exceed ten percent of the projected cost of the analysis. If the completion of the analysis exceeds the funds applicant remitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning, the Department may withhold approval until full payment is remitted.
d. The Department of Planning and Zoning will contract directly with the consulting firm and oversee the preparation of the traffic impact analysis.
e. All traffic analysis results will be incorporated into any Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance considerations.
3. The Department of Planning and Zoning shall be a party to all communications between the project developer and the consultant performing the Traffic Impact Analysis. Should communication occur, to which the Department of Planning and Zoning is not a party, the consultant may not be utilized again by the City of Annapolis, or the Department may, at its sole
discretion, stop the Analysis and re-initiate a Traffic Impact Analysis with an alternative consultant at applicant expense.
(Ord. O-29-06 Revised § 1 (part), 2008)
(Ord. No. O-19-16, § I, 9-26-2016)

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