Their Neglect Our Problem

The Annapolis Yacht Club (AYC) continues

to neglect their requirement to conform to construction site management codes. They are still allowing construction site run-off to flow into Spa Creek. The latest violations occurred last week-end and last night.  However, the AYC added another dimension.  The run-off also caused a mud-laced stream to freeze on the 301 Burnside St. driveway, resulting in a dangerous condition. Their neglect is now our problem.  Since Monday was a holiday there was no one at P&Z to call with a report.

Either code enforcement is incapable of controlling the problem of run-off at the AYC site or they are not fully enforcing the codes.  How many times have these types of AYC violations been reported and how many times has the AYC been fined?  When I was able to get to P&Z I was directed to to report and requested feedback.  I did not receive any.

Guess what? It occurred again last night (24 Jan and 25th, this morning.)

To ensure conformance with these codes, fines should be increased and, where multiple violations occur, individuals should also be subject to fines.

Of course, the ice will melt. Then what? We will be left with a layer of dried mud. When the next rain washes that mud away, where do they think the mud and any future muddy run-off will go?

One thought on “Their Neglect Our Problem

  1. Interesting that the city inspected the AYC construction site for runoff on 1/28/19 and found no violations. Also, your pictures don’t show the source of the water and thus aren’t very good evidence of your accusation.

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