More Taxes-What Are We Getting In Return?

Mr. Mayor and Alderpersons:
The Eastport Civic Association (ECA) strongly opposes the City’s intention
to override the mandated constant yield tax rate which effectively raises
residents’ real property taxes by 3% for the tax year beginning July 1, 2020.
ID-141-20 should be withdrawn.
Because property value assessments have gone up, under the constant
yield tax rate mandate the City is required to reduce taxpayers’ tax rate
from $0.7380 per $100 of assessment to $0.7165 per $100 of assessment.
Using the 3% increase in assessed value and not reducing the tax rate will
increase the amount of property tax that Annapolitians will have to pay and
will take more than $1.5 million dollars from taxpayers’ wallets.
The City’s actions are particularly egregious and tone deaf in the midst of
the pandemic. The Constant Yield Tax Rate is in place to protect citizens
from overreaching government and provide them with the opportunity to
object. Annapolitans are hurting, many have lost their jobs with no
prospects for new ones, and lines for food donations stretch for blocks and
blocks. Many businesses and non-profit organizations are instituting
furloughs and reducing salaries for management and staff. Every elected
official is aware of the precarious financial position that so many people find
themselves in.
Adhering to the Constant Yield Tax Rate is an immediate, direct way to
make a real difference in citizens’ financial situations, provide relief and
help alleviate hardship. The City should exercise the discipline necessary
to balance the budget without taking additional money from taxpayers.
We are deeply disappointed in our leadership. Mr. Mayor, you promised
Annapolitans that you would not increase taxes and are using semantics to
camouflage a tax increase at a time when additional, unnecessary financial
burdens should not be imposed.
Debra Dillon
President, Eastport Civic Association