Request for public meeting + comment period extension to Sep 16th

Eastport Civic Association
July 2, 2021
Mr. Gavin Buckley, Mayor
Mr. David Jarrell, City Manager
Dear Messrs. Buckley and Jarrell:
It has been brought to my attention by numerous concerned community members that a notice
has been posted at the South Annapolis Yacht Center (SAYC). The notice invites public
comments on a minor site design for a fence and locked gate with comments due by July 16.
Community members—including ECA—have argued repeatedly that the fence with gates permit
is a major modification to the site design because it conflicts with a condition of the approval
related to pedestrian water access on the site. The fence eliminates public water access that
was promised to the community and as such the application should be denied. Planning and
Zoning chose not to consider a fence permit as a major site design modification. However, in
previous meetings with Dr. Nash, which included Aldermen Arnett and Gay in July, September
and October of last year, you both indicated that the community would get a chance to be heard
on this matter. A public meeting is needed to combat the public perception that these decisions
are made behind closed doors.
Dr. Nash, in her role as Director of Planning and Zoning, has the discretion to require that a
public meeting be held in conjunction with an application for a minor site design modification.
Approval of the fence will negatively impact the community character of Eastport; prevents
pedestrian water access, which was a condition of approval by the Planning Commission; and
obstructs views and contradicts long-standing community efforts to prevent a “walling off” of the
water. A locked gate with a keypad at the marina entrance on Boucher Avenue will also create
traffic backups on Washington Street and Boucher Avenue and the potential for an accident.
The ECA requests that you encourage Dr. Nash to use her discretion to hold a public meeting
on this modification and to extend the comment period through September 16, 2021. There
is no need to rush the permit process—the fence has been illegally in place for a full year
Thank you.
Charles Hernick
President, Eastport Civic Association
CC: Ms. Sally Nash, Mr. Tom Smith, Alderman Arnett, Alderman Gay

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