Yes ! Eastport Matters

If we do not protect our community from self serving developers, their minions and politicians who are there to promote their own interests, then we deserve a future of diminished life style and quality of life.

A hearing is being held to deny a fence from being constructed at the SAYC site. When the project was first presented the developers said that access to the water would be maintained. As we have seen the developers words are worthless and their business model is Bait and Switch. Planning and Zoning and the City Council do not hold developers accountable and do not protect our interests. The saying….How do you know a developer is lying? …… Because their mouth is moving applies.

The developer’s minions sent a Notice to property owners who live within 200 ft of the development to attend a virtual hearing to “Consider the Denial of a Fence”

This matter is so important that all residents of Eastport should attend. The more developers get away with now the greater their influence in our lives in the future. Let’s make a stand and take back Eastport for the community from the greedy developers.


Does Eastport Matter?

Based on recent concerns, it appears that according to the Mayor, Eastport doesn’t matter. What are you going to do about it? Reelecting Ross Arnett will be an important action to ensure that we have a voice in City Government.

Vote Buckley out!  Reason Buckley supports Ross’s opponent is that Ross is a PITA to Buckley and won’t toe the Buckley line. 

From a concerned and active neighbor……

I am resending the message below

Subject: Re: Agreement
It is complicated. I believe that a court ruling on the merits of whether or not riparian rights existed would rule in our favor ultimately. 
We were kicked out of court on a procedural matter. However the problem is, that if there is no political will in City Hall to protect the water access, then even if we prevail on the issue in a separate action against Blue Heron, we already know that Mike Lyles will still recommend that he doesn’t believe there was ever riparian access, and the city doesn’t need another water access.  They can then simply deny the access.  

It comes down to the fact that Buckley simply doesn’t care about Eastport. And if they want to find a way, to keep the public from accessing the water, it’s very easy for them to simply say that there is a safety issue when everybody knows that’s not actually what’s going on. A court is simply not going to overrule a city who’s making that claim.  As I’ve said to many of you before, the only way to really change what’s going on in the city is to not have Gavin Buckley in Office.