No Concept of Reality

The other day as I was driving home along Forest Drive I saw a sign for a new project proposal at the Crystal Spring site.

Developer greed is one thing but that compounded by an unconscionable lack of understanding of climate change is a sin against the whole community. The intrusion into and potential destruction of the Crystal Spring forest is a desecration. It should not be tolerated and not permitted.

Let the developers who have had projects approved in the past 10 years and their development teams (lawyers, contractors, lobbyists and others) have to fund the purchase the forest and donate it to the community, thereby preserving it forever–Save the Forest.

We are beyond the time when climate and environmental activists are a few fringe characters wearing tie-dye tee shirts and head bands hugging a tree.

Even the Department of Defense recognizes that climate change is real and is a national security threat.

How can we stand by and permit the continuation of the degradation of this irreplaceable gift from nature.

How can young families, long-time residents accept that their quality of life will be altered for ever. Sure the impact may not be perceived over night but it will be surely be felt by their children and their children… that to be our legacy ?

How can we let a few self-serving money grubbers imperil our future for short-term profits.

Yes, housing is important but we cannot forsake the forest for the easy response. If there is a problem or there are needs to be resolved think through the solution sets considering all the potential impact.

Use public policy to benefit the community not just to line the pockets of a few craven developers.

The proposed project signage states that they will be presenting their plans to the planning commission, shortly. Let them know that they need not bother.

For those who have been living under a rock, the forest is a major part of our fragile eco-system, the forest help clean water and refresh our air. The forest helps prevent rain water run off that impacts the bay. The health of the forest and the health of the bay have a 2nd and 3rd order effect on our health. These components of the environment are integrated/interconnected. When one component is interrupted or damaged it impacts the whole cycle.

Once the balance is tipped the decline in the environment may be irreversible in all of our life-times. The impacts on our health, the health of our children and to those yet unborn, to our quality of life, our economy may be catastrophic.

Could all that happen because of one 58 unit housing project? It is this one and the next and the next. This proposed project is not the start of the problems but another cut by the death of 1000 cuts

Protect the Forest—Protect our Future—Stop the proposed project—Protect Crystal Spring Forest.